Prevent the Spread of Alabama Rot in Northamptonshire

It has been suggested that the spread in cases of Alabama Rot in Northamptonshire can be blamed on dogs using muddy areas, unfortunately as a lot of dog owners who live near the countryside will know, it's hard to keep your dogs away from these areas, especially if you have a dog that loves wallowing and rolling in the mud :-(

Alabama Rot Map UK 2020 : Map of suspected Alabama Rot Cases in the UK

Please help us build a Map of suspected Alabama Rot Cases in the UK by sending us the postcode area of where you have heard about Alabama Rot Cases

Your Name (optional):

Postcode Area Alabama Rot Cases:

Describe Why Alabama Rot Case Suspected:

We hope any Alabama Rot cases we receive will help build up a picture of the radius that Alabama Rot can now be found in.

Alabama Rot reports, Alabama Rot sightings, Alabama Rot cases spotted, Alabama Rot coverage, Alabama Rot radius.